Friday, November 18, 2011


Here are some fun riddles. See if you can answer them. THEN... try to write one of your own. Make sure you give great clues!

I am nocturnal
I use echolocation.
People say I am blind, but I am not.
Can you guess who I am?

I’m a planet.
I’m the fifth planet from the sun.
I’m the biggest planet.
I’m an outer planet.
I’m named for the Roman King of gods.
I’m ______________.

Why was Plymouth Rock so brave?

Which side of the Turkey has the juiciest meat?

What does a Turkey like to eat on Thanksgiving day?


Hannah said...


Paige said...

I am a shape
I have five sides
I am the same as another shape
What am I ?

Anonymous said...

What can you hear but can't see.

Anonymous said...

What can you hear but can't see?